
How To Decide Who To Pass Your Leather Bag Down To

Posted by Holly Williford on 9th May 2015

“Our most treasured family heirlooms are our sweet family memories.”


We would just like to add an “and” to that quotation. So the saying would then go:

“Our most treasured family heirlooms are our sweet family memories and leather bags.”

Okay, maybe that is a little cold-hearted of us, but we at Copper River Bag Co. are pretty passionate about our leather bags. That is why each of our bags is made with such care and quality, that we stamp them with a 100 year plus guarantee. That is right, your Copper River Bag Co. bag will probably outlive you.

This means at some point you’ll need to decide what lucky devil gets your leather bag as an heirloom. Picking out who can be quite the challenge. Here are some guidelines to consider when selecting who will receive your leather bag when you pass onto the next realm.

1.Consider the Type of Bag

If you have a camera bag like this one, or if you have a gun bag like this one, you’ll want to consider what member of the family is most likely to use this type of bag. Many of our bags can actually be converted to a messenger bag if the removable insert is taken out, so you can also make it more of a neutral interest bag as need be when it is passed down.

2.Consider Fashion

Not everyone digs leather as a fashion statement. Take a look at your relatives and notice their different fashions. If you see a member of the family who often sports leather or a sophisticated style, chances are they’d love to receive your leather bag.

3.Who Can Take Care Of Things?

You don’t want to pass on a leather bag to a person who is notoriously bad at taking care of things. Give it to someone who will take care of the item through the years of their ownership, and they may even be able to pass it down to the next in line creating a multi-generational family heirloom.

4.Has Anyone Expressed Interest In the Bag?

Ever had someone make a passing comment on the bag? A compliment? An appreciate for the quality of leather? Then go ahead and give them the bag when you pass on. Chances are if they noticed the bag, they’d love to have it as their own.

5.Who Understands Value?

Part of understanding the worth in items like the high quality leather bags found at Copper River Bag Co. is having a basic understanding of the importance of value. While we can buy tons of cheaper items that are basically disposable, leather bag are a completely different breed of product. With minimal care and an appreciation for value, our leather bags can easily last 100 years or more as is guaranteed by our brand name.


Thinking about who you will pass cherished items onto can be an eye opening experience. We hope this guide helped you brainstorm who should get your leather bag when you move on. 

Image by starline on Freepik